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Social Work History: Lessons for Doctoral Education in Divisive Times (Slides with Speaker Notes)

Member: Justin Harty
These are slides with my speaker notes for my 2023 GADE keynote presentation.Title: Social Work History: Lessons for Doctoral Education in Divisive TimesDescription: In this keynote presentation, we will delve into the complex history of the social work profession and its relationship to white supremacy, colonialism, and racism. Drawing on lessons from our shared history, we will explore how social work has both perpetuated and...
Institution: Arizona State University School of Social Work
Disciplines: Social Work
Key words: social work history
Publication Date: April 14, 2023

Doctoral Student Cheat Sheet

Member: Justin Harty
Over the years, I have used many resources to help me in my doctoral studies. I have compiled many of them here in the hope that they are useful to others who struggle in school like I do. I am a qualitative social work researcher using Mac and the resources contained in this cheat sheet reflect that. Resources are linked to source content.
Institution: University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration
Disciplines: Social science
Key words: doctoral education
Publication Date: December 22, 2021

Qualitative Resources for Social Work Doctoral Students

Member: Justin Harty
These qualitative resource slides contain qualitative texts, software, tools, and other related resources.
Institution: University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration
Disciplines: Social Work
Key words: qualitative
Publication Date: November 23, 2021

Reading Guide on Dismantling Racism in Social Work Education (Articles from Advances in Social Work Journal Special Issue)

Member: Justin Harty
This reading guide contains a list of the 44 articles contained in the Advances in Social Work Journal special double issue on Dismantling Racism in Social Work Education (Summer 2021, Vol. 21 No. 2/3, Open Access), guest-edited by Charla Yearwood, Rosemary A. Barbera, Amy K. Fisher, & Carol Hostetter (Social Work Coalition for Anti-...
Institution: University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration
Disciplines: social welfare history
Key words: anti-racism
Publication Date: September 24, 2021

(Re)covering Black Social Work History: Confronting the Historical Roots of Whiteness, Racism, and Colonialism in the Profession of Social Work

Member: Justin Harty
Presentation on Black social work history in the context of whiteness, racism, and colonialism given on August 28, 2021 for the University of Wisconsin Madison Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion orientation training.
Institution: University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration
Disciplines: Social Work
Key words: anti-racism
Publication Date: August 30, 2021

Black Contributions to Mutual Aid, Social Welfare, and Social Work History

Member: Justin Harty
This reading guide contains over 100 historical articles and books related to Black contributions to mutual aid, social welfare, and social work history. References are organized alphabetically, contain the author's abstract (unless otherwise noted), and are linked to each article or book.
Institution: University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration
Disciplines: Social Welfare
Key words: Black
Publication Date: November 23, 2020